So the problem is when we would like to copy HTML source from an external editor which contains a images with full paths Moodle will remove the links and shows as deleted.
So the problem is when we would like to copy HTML source from an external editor which contains a images with full paths Moodle will remove the links and shows as deleted.
Questionnaire displays activity name without applying multi-language filter in the intro page (mod/questionnaire/view.php?id=) using Questionnaire version 2017050101.
Yes, because companies like to use proxy but I needed to access the Internet from my Ubuntu running on a VirtualBox. Just a few steps and access can be established: Edit the /etc/environment file with your favorite editor Add the following lines http_proxy=”” https_proxy=”” ftp_proxy=”” no_proxy=”localhost,,localaddress,” HTTP_PROXY=”” HTTPS_PROXY=”” FTP_PROXY=”” NO_PROXY=”localhost,,localaddress,” Logout and login again. Apt does […]
Again dear Microsoft, why do you harden our life when you could make it easier? Yesterday I was able to install Access Database Engine to connect the .ASP application to its database. But because getting An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe all the times, I thought it is time to change to MS SQL […]
Well, well, well. Using Microsoft is fun. Even when you need to use it in a production area. Here is the first example. You want to download a Microsoft tool from the Microsoft website with a Microsoft browser. And what happens? You cannot download it. Because it is Microsoft. Other good example is to use […]
Back on the road of blogging again. So our client who is a big European organization has Microsoft Azure Cloud services and having consultant company for support. Since we would like to run Moodle we need PHP + MySQL. We got an Ubuntu app server. Funny isn’t is to run Linux machines in the Microsoft […]
So I have the following scenario: I have a layer with a button to show another layer (showing an example). The new layer does not cover all part of the screen and the button is visible and that might be confusing for the users. So I want to hide the button and when the user closes […]
Today I got a question how the COMPANY ID can be listed in R14. The solution was easy: ENQ %COMPANY Cheers,
The simple answer is use ENQ AGENT.STATUS CURRENT.SERVICE EQ COB after login. If you get the error within INVALID FUNCTION FOR END.OF.DAY it means the same. Cheers,
Mr. Gates, Why there is no other option to change a password in Windows except pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL? We are using site to site VPN so we have to logon to VM via RDP and from that VM we can jump to the other company’s VM. Even when pressing CTRL + ALT […]