How to Set Proxy in an Ubuntu Terminal?

Yes, because companies like to use proxy but I needed to access the Internet from my Ubuntu running on a VirtualBox. Just a few steps and access can be established: Edit the /etc/environment file with your favorite editor Add the following lines http_proxy=”” https_proxy=”” ftp_proxy=”” no_proxy=”localhost,,localaddress,” HTTP_PROXY=”” HTTPS_PROXY=”” FTP_PROXY=”” NO_PROXY=”localhost,,localaddress,” Logout and login again. Apt does […]

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Create a database and an user with SQL Server Authentication

Again dear Microsoft, why do you harden our life when you could make it easier? Yesterday I was able to install Access Database Engine to connect the .ASP application to its database. But because getting An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe all the times, I thought it is time to change to MS SQL […]

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Another day with Microsoft. :)

Well, well, well.  Using Microsoft is fun. Even when you need to use it in a production area. Here is the first example. You want to download a Microsoft tool from the Microsoft website with a Microsoft browser. And what happens? You cannot download it. Because it is Microsoft. Other good example is to use […]

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Moodle – .vtt Captions do not Work with Internet Explorer

Another thing that works in every other browser but does not work in Internet Explorer. So my solution is to set the MIME type for the .vtt files. This can be done under the Site administration / Server / File types (Moodle >= 2.9). Click on “Add a new file type” button. Set Extension to […]

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