Moodle Analytics – Part 1. – Setting up the Python Machine Learning Backend in cPanel

UPDATE: the guide for moodlemlbackend 3.0.5 with Python 3.6 can be found in this article: Moodle Analytics – Part 1. – Setting up the Python Machine Learning Backend in cPanel – Reloaded Moodle Analytics machine learning models were introduced in Moodle 3.7.Moodle currently supports two predictions processors: PHP machine learning backend which comes with the […]

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How to Unlock a Record in Temenos T24 BrowserWeb?

As always it is tricky to unlock a record in T24 BrowserWeb. When you get: LOCKED BY INGRESO NO EXISTE you can use the following steps to unlock: Enter RECORD.LOCK L Search for your locked record on the %RECORD.LOCK enquiry screen. Eg. @ID CT CUSTOMERID. Then click on the record “FBNK.CUSTOMER$NAU.CUSTOMERID“. It will appear on […]

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Moodle 3.3 with MySQL SSL Connection in the Azure Cloud

Update: Microsoft Azure Database for MySQL: Use PHP (not) to Connect and Query Data article has now some new updates. Microsoft listened to my words, so I have found a documentation how to connect to Azure Database for MySQL with PHP via SSL connection. This can be found here: Of course this is not […]

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How to Set Proxy in an Ubuntu Terminal?

Yes, because companies like to use proxy but I needed to access the Internet from my Ubuntu running on a VirtualBox. Just a few steps and access can be established: Edit the /etc/environment file with your favorite editor Add the following lines http_proxy=”” https_proxy=”” ftp_proxy=”” no_proxy=”localhost,,localaddress,” HTTP_PROXY=”” HTTPS_PROXY=”” FTP_PROXY=”” NO_PROXY=”localhost,,localaddress,” Logout and login again. Apt does […]

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