How to turn off HTTPS login in Moodle database

When cloning a site for testing purposes, there could be a problem with HTTPS within the testing environment. There is a fast way to turn it off in the the database: update prefix_config set value = 0 where name = ‘loginhttps’; Then you can login without HTTPS.    

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Can’t access DVD with fresh new installed Windows 8.1 (Code 19)

I have a Windows that cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. To fix this problem you should uninstall and then reinstall the hardware device. (Code 19) error code in Device Manager. I checked many sites, for me this has been worked: reg.exe add “HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\atapi\Controller0” /f /v […]

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MAHOODLE Payload not encryptedERROR 1:1:Payload not encrypted

When trying to export an assignment document to Mahara and we get the following error: Payload not encryptedERROR 1:1:Payload not encryptedDebug: \nError code: failedtopingline 280 of /portfolio/mahara/lib.php: portfolio_export_exception thrown line 57 of /portfolio/mahara/preconfig.php: call to portfolio_plugin_mahara->send_intent()\n, referer: Most likely we are behind a firewall. If both Moodle and Mahara servers are behind the firewall […]

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Adding RokGallery to Joomla Article

Here are the steps to insert RokGallery into an article. Create a Gallery as normal on the Administration site. Go to Component > RokGallery. Add a Gallery by clicking on the Galleries icon. Set the options, name your gallery, choose a tag and save. Upload your images or choose images from the existing ones, set […]

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