Moodle – .vtt Captions do not Work with Internet Explorer

Another thing that works in every other browser but does not work in Internet Explorer. So my solution is to set the MIME type for the .vtt files. This can be done under the Site administration / Server / File types (Moodle >= 2.9). Click on “Add a new file type” button. Set Extension to […]

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MAC OS X – Renaming Multiply Filenames to Lowercase in a Directory

You will need the Terminal for this operation. Open Terminal and navigate to the directory using the cd command where you want to change the case of the files. Then run the following command: for FILE in `ls -A1 *`; do FILENAME=`echo ${FILE} | sed ‘s/ /\\ /g’`; echo mv ${FILENAME} `echo ${FILENAME} | tr […]

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Another Moodle report – List of users in a course with enrolment and access info

A report was needed by my client to list participants in a course with access info, so those who did not access the course can be warned to perform the mandatory quiz before closing it. SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.idnumber, c.shortname, IF(ue.status = 0, ‘Active’, ‘Suspended’) as status, e.enrol, FROM_UNIXTIME(ue.timecreated, ‘%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p’) as enrollment_date, IF(ue.timestart = […]

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Moodle – Filepicker not working in 2.7.1+ on HTTPS

As a request to our client we changed to HTTPS on our server for their Moodle 2.7.1+ instance. I configured the site, but after the change the file picker stopped working. I have found that Chrome console shows the following: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Uncaught […]

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Using terminal ssh to my Linux servers I have always got the following error: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory Commenting the following line from /etc/ssh_config file on my Mac was the solution for me: #   SendEnv LANG LC_* Note: do not forget to use sudo when editing […]

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MAC OS X – Copy and Paste as Text

Well, well. I have my new Mac workstation and let me say there are many differences to Windows. But let me say it is much more better. While I was writing my letter I would like to copy a text from one of my website admin page and it pasted the style also. So I […]

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Another Annoying Outlook Web App Feature

Hope that someone at MS realize that it is time to set up an UX team. This is my favorite OWA feature for today: I’ve got a mail with an attachment that can not show in browser. Under that there is a Download button. Clicking on that you get an error telling you that you have […]

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MySQL Out of Resources Error

Checking my automated backup I realized that one of my database dump is empty. I chechked the database and it was ok. I tried a manual dump and I got this: mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘Lock tables on `tablename`’: Out of resources when opening file ‘./databasename/tablename###.MYD’ After some googling I found a solution. I have the following […]

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