How to Set Proxy in an Ubuntu Terminal?

Yes, because companies like to use proxy but I needed to access the Internet from my Ubuntu running on a VirtualBox. Just a few steps and access can be established: Edit the /etc/environment file with your favorite editor Add the following lines http_proxy=”” https_proxy=”” ftp_proxy=”” no_proxy=”localhost,,localaddress,” HTTP_PROXY=”” HTTPS_PROXY=”” FTP_PROXY=”” NO_PROXY=”localhost,,localaddress,” Logout and login again. Apt does […]

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Create a database and an user with SQL Server Authentication

Again dear Microsoft, why do you harden our life when you could make it easier? Yesterday I was able to install Access Database Engine to connect the .ASP application to its database. But because getting An unhandled win32 exception occurred in w3wp.exe all the times, I thought it is time to change to MS SQL […]

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Another day with Microsoft. :)

Well, well, well.  Using Microsoft is fun. Even when you need to use it in a production area. Here is the first example. You want to download a Microsoft tool from the Microsoft website with a Microsoft browser. And what happens? You cannot download it. Because it is Microsoft. Other good example is to use […]

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