A report was needed by my client to list participants in a course with access info, so those who did not access the course can be warned to perform the mandatory quiz before closing it.
SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, u.idnumber, c.shortname, IF(ue.status = 0, 'Active', 'Suspended') as status, e.enrol, FROM_UNIXTIME(ue.timecreated, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p') as enrollment_date, IF(ue.timestart = 0, 'No End Date',FROM_UNIXTIME(ue.timestart, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p')) as start_enrollment_date, IF(ue.timeend = 0, 'No End Date',FROM_UNIXTIME(ue.timeend, '%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p')) as end_enrollment_date, COALESCE(( SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(la.timeaccess,'%m/%d/%Y %h:%i:%s %p') FROM mdl_user_lastaccess as la WHERE u.id = la.userid AND c.id = la.courseid ), 'Never Accessed') as last_access, COALESCE(( SELECT r.name FROM mdl_role_assignments AS ra, mdl_context AS ctx, mdl_role as r WHERE ctx.instanceid = c.id AND ra.contextid = ctx.id AND ra.userid = u.id AND r.id = ra.roleid AND ( e.id = ra.itemid OR ra.itemid = 0 ) LIMIT 1 ), 'No Role Assigned') as role, ( SELECT c2.shortname FROM mdl_course as c2 WHERE e.customint1 = c2.id ) as child_course FROM mdl_user_enrolments as ue, mdl_enrol as e, mdl_course as c, mdl_user as u WHERE ue.userid = u.id AND ue.enrolid = e.id AND e.courseid = c.id AND c.id = 4 ORDER BY u.lastname, u.firstname, c.startdate DESC, c.shortname
Thanks for James Henestofel.